Sunday, July 20, 2014

Lady F-in Gay Gay

Life is what happens in-between the work day, right?  My husband is winding down his role at the large corporate entity where he's worked for the past 10 years, and armed with his new MBA he's getting ready to start another role at the largest management consulting firm.  I'm in the midst of another IPO readiness assignment - working more than I wish, which means it's hard to find down time.

When we do find down time - we're finding exciting new adventures.

On Thursday, one of our super successful friends gave us and my husband's mother tickets to the Lady Gaga concert in Dallas.  We saw the show from his company's box...
 The show was everything you'd expect.  Lady Gaga has an incredible camaraderie with her fans.  It was the most interactive arena show I've ever seen.  It was a great big exciting show, and we loved every minute.

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