Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Red Plum Jelly
Why can't we exchange gifts on Labor Day?
However, some times I want to buy something but I don't want to get interrogated when my husband discovers the purchase: "How much did that cost? Do we really need that? Can you take it back?" Last Easter I saw this hand blown glass vase at Crate & Barrel and since we were hosting Easter lunch I bought it, had it wrapped, and then hid it in the closest. On Easter morning I surprised him with this gift from Crate & Barrel. As soon as he opened it he rolled his eyes, and so I snatched it from his hands and put it on the table. Any time he harassed me about (allegedly) buying something for myself, calling it a gift for him, and giving it to him on a holiday where we don't give gifts, I would just ask what he bought me for Easter?
Fast forward to last week when we were in Crate & Barrel and I was honing in on a few items that I needed, and all the sudden my husband looked at me and said: "we do not exchange gifts on Labor Day." He made me look him in the eyes and agree that we weren't going to exchange gifts on Labor Day.

Lucky for me we did not elect the President to pick out wallpaper.
Keeping up with the 'rents.

And, this weekend my husband's parents who like to save money more than they like to spend it just ordered two new iPhone 4's. They were eligible for the upgrade, and they did. We can't have older phones than his parents; we have to at least try to be cooler than his 'rents. Key word: try.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Perry doesn't believe in equal rights.

"There is still a land of opportunity, friends — it's called Texas," Perry said. "We're creating more jobs than any other state in the nation. ... Would you rather live in a state like this, or in a state where a man can marry a man?"
My husband and I are 100% Texan, and YES we do want to live in a state where a man can marry a man - it's called Texas. When will Republican politicians stop using gay marriage as a wedge issue? It's nothing more than pandering to the lowest common denominator. It's ignorant, but unfortunately it seems to work...
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Raise Your Hand
My brother's wife: "Raise your hand if you're a mommy's girl!"
(Presley does not raise her hand.)
My brother: "Raise your hand if you're a daddy's girl!"
(Presley raises her hand high in the air.)
My brother's wife: "Raise your hand if you want ice cream and you're a mommy's girl!"
(Presley does not raise her hand.)
Presley: "I want ice cream."
It's impossible for my brother's wife to win this game right now. Since my brother's wife is responsible for feeding Paxten she does not have as much time to spend interacting with Presley. My brother and Presley have become BFF's ever since Paxten has entered the world. Sometimes I wonder if I'll be as good of a father as my brother has become to his two daughters; I don't know if I'll be able to compete with him.
Beautiful Baby
Monday, August 23, 2010
$758,918 per year?!

Awkward Family Pet Photos

Sunday, August 22, 2010
A Day No Pigs Would Die
I've always loved pigs. I used to want a pig as a pet, and I can remember crying for two days after reading Robert Newton Peck's A Day No Pigs Would Die in middle school.
Last year once I learned that pigs self awareness ranks among dolphins and apes, I became horrified at the thought of eating pork. (It just felt so cruel to imagine a pig entering a slaughter house, seeing the pig get slaughtered in front of him, and then understanding that he would be slaughtered next.) My goal was to not eat pork in 2010.
For most of this year I've succeeded in avoiding pork specifically- I don't grill pork chops any more. I don't eat ham. I love ham. I stopped eating bacon. However, I've failed in avoiding pork generally - beans cooked with pork, sausage that includes pork, and salads that are sprinkled with bacon. I was warned: My friend Dooley told me it's hard to avoid bacon, because Texas cooks seem to put bacon on everything. Yet, my biggest failure in my no-pork-in-2010-challenge came when I cooked the bacon for our guests and then it smelled so good that I ate a piece...or two.
Farewell Season? Oh No!
Oprah Winfrey's show has been in national syndication since I've been aware of television, 1986. Even though I've only seen her on my television set and she has never seen me, it still feels like she's a friend of mine. I feel like a know her, which is a concept that is completely lost on my husband. (He refuses to watch Oprah.) And now that this is the last season of her show I know I'm going to miss seeing her every day when she leaves my television.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
NPH is expecting twins!

Neil Patrick Harris announced on his twitter account that he and his partner David Burtka are expecting twins via surrogacy this fall. I find this news very exciting. If I had NPH's money, then we'd have twins on the way too...
Kids are expensive for everyone. (My husband's sister just told us their financial planner told them that if they have two children and expect to send them to private university after high school, then they need to start saving $1,200 a month for both.) Everyone knows children are expensive, but for gay couples the "start up" cost is significantly more, since surrogacy can cost around $100K.
Leaping Lizards
I was greeted this morning by a tiny little lizard in our kitchen sink. Maybe he was attracted to the water in our sink or our air conditioned atmosphere. I scooped him up and released him outside. While he was in my hand I could feel his iddy biddy heart beating. I didn't really mind having a lizard in our kitchen sink- but I would have been pissed if I'd discovered a roach in our sink. It's unfair to roaches, I know.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
The drink was saved! (And so was his life.)

Since we did not want any more weight on the deck my husband slowly emerged from his predicament all by his lonesome- with his drink in hand!
Hypothetically speaking falling through a deck high above a lake could have been a catastrophic event. However, since my husband has a yoga fit body (he's really flexible and really strong) and since only one of the boards broke- he walked away with a few scrapes and bruises. Instead of thinking about a hypothetical tragedy we are thankful that this happened to someone as athletic as my husband that could handle the situation. We also like to laugh at the fact that even though his life might have been in jeopardy (hypothetically) he still did not spill his frozen drinky drink.
I love you Honey!
Fiberglass Insulation

Right now we have a range of R-10 to R-15 in our attic, and after our new insulation is installed we will have a minimum of R-48 in our attic. (Note: I have no idea what those numbers mean, but I know that 48 is almost five times greater than 10, and the bigger the number the better. ) Our hetero friend owns a roofing/solar panel/insulation company and he is giving us a good deal; he sent my husband a text saying he'd give us his best priced blow job. The husband and I had a conversation like this:
Me: "Hey Honey, what type of insulation is he adding?"
Honey: "He's going to blow in fiberglass."
Me: "Fiberglass! I don't want fiberglass- it's itchy. I want cellulose."
Honey: *silent* (Looking at me like I'm ridiculous.)
Me: "What?"
Honey: "In the two years we've lived in this house, how many times have you been in the attic?"
Me: *silent*
I haven't ever been in the attic of this house. (My husband cannot say the same thing.)
Open Letter: Death of a Camellia.
I am sorry. I thought I had the perfect shaded spot to plant a camellia, or two. I was looking forward to seeing your blooms in spring; however, I don't know if my vision of your rose-like blooms decorating the side of our house will materialize according to my original intent. You are burning in the afternoon sun. I incorrectly classified our small backyard with two mature trees as a shaded backyard; I now know the six hours of sun our backyard gets in the afternoon classifies it as a sunny backyard. My mistake is killing you, and I am sorry. Live and learn.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
True Blood

We debated if Franklin is really dead.
We tried to figure out what's up with Jesus sudden appearance, and we wondered if Lafayette has powers too?
Also, we hypothesized what Sookie really might be?
To me this is significant, because these two heteros watch True Blood, and really enjoy True Blood, and True Blood has homos as important characters in the show. True Blood might be one of the only popular shows that includes homos kissing and gay sex. Of course True Blood also has straight sex, vampire sex, and human/vampire sex, but still my point is that the world is changing. Can you imagine if True Blood would have been on HBO ten, fifteen, or twenty years ago? I dream of a world where being homo is no-big-deal, and I think we're getting there...
Monday, August 9, 2010
Sunday Brunch
Girls Rule

After they put the baby to bed we started playing games, and one game was Battle of the Sexes. It's a simple game that promotes stereotypes: the guys are asked questions most girls would know how to answer, and the girls are asked questions most guys would know how to answer. If you correctly answer a question you get to move your man or woman forward on the board.
My husband and William played on the guys team, and Jennifer and I played on the girls team. (Of course they did not stand a chance to win.) Jennifer and I came from behind to win the game. The momentum shifted when Jennifer knew "Chop Shop" was on Discovery and "Pimp My Ride" was on MTV, and I knew that the commissioner of baseball was Bud Selig.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Thank You Kathy

Currently our most vocal ally is comedian Kathy Griffin. She just finished her sixth season of her Bravo reality show, and she dedicated an entire episode to highlight her trip to Washington D.C. where she encouraged law makers to repeal "Don't Ask Don't Tell" in the armed services.
Peppered through her funny and shocking television moments she made some really good and serious points:
- We are already fighting two wars so why would you want to limit the numbers of brave men and women who are volunteering to fight?
- In my opinion this is a civil rights issue, and I want my army that my taxes are paying for to be a nondiscriminatory army.
- The only way to win this battle is if we're louder than the haters.
- If our own policies aren't promoting equality, then what exactly are we fighting for?
And the closeted gay service member that is still currently serving in the army said it best: We have hope because of people like Kathy.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Castor Bean Plant
No. 4
And I just realized this photo contains both of our 30th gifts to each other; when I turned thirty my husband gave to me the beautiful round black granite table that is the center piece of this room, and when he turned thirty I had to give him the white erase board on wheels that I'm always trying to hide. Unfortunately, I've become desensitized to its presence in our home, which is why it wasn't wheeled out of the way for this photo.
Thank you California Courts!

This is why we have the best country on earth.
"The evidence shows that Prop. 8 does nothing more than enshrine in the California constitution, the notion that opposite sex couples are superior to same sex couples,” Judge Walker wrote in his 130-page decision.
As a member of the minority, I would like to thank the court system for standing up for what is right. I still believe my husband and I will be able to get legally married in our home, Texas, before we're dead and gone. What an incredible day that will be.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Sleeping Dogs
However, there are moments when for whatever reason they appear to love each other. It makes me happy to see them together. I guess that's just a classic sibling rivalry?
Prettiest Little Thing

100 degrees in the shade!
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