I just don't want to be fat and thirty. I'm carrying an extra 20 pounds of softness on my body right now. I want to firm it up. My goal is to attend as many Bikram yoga classes between now and my birthday as possible. My husband is an amazing yoga-man, and he's challenging me and encouraging me.
I need encouragement because I cannot touch my toes without bending my knees, and it's hard for me to quiet my mind in yoga too- I'm always thinking about other stuff! And, I feel like an obese uncoordinated goon at times during the 1.5 hour class that is in the heated studio. Yes, it's hot, and I don't like to be hot. However, I know that all the reasons why yoga is hard for me are the same reasons I need to go. I'm going. Right now...
you're fat and 29 too!