This is a picture of my favorite sculpture. I think it's called Transcend II. If you saw it in person you would be amazed. It's beautiful. When I finally got the attention of an art consultant and started a conversation I told her this one was my favorite in the gallery, and she said it is one of the most special pieces in his entire collection. You can get a Richard MacDonald sculpture of $3,800, but this one starts at $44,000. (That's incredibly disappointing to know the price tag for the sculpture is $44K) The art consultant asked where I was staying, and when I told her MGM she was visibly disappointed; I guess if I'm staying at MGM, then I can't afford art? I hope they never sale out so I can visit this sculpture every time I'm in Las Vegas. Or maybe I'll win the lottery?! It was beautiful to see with my eyes.
That a sexy sculpture. It almost looks more like bondage than contortion.