I'm a proud Gay P1 of Dallas' sports radio station The Ticket. I love The Hardline show. I get annoyed if anyone schedules meetings at 3 during their opening shtick "Why Today Doesn't Suck" and I also enjoy their Entertainment News segment at 4:45. I ignore the sports talk. I enjoy the fun and games of Mike, Corby, Danny, and Grubes.
The midday show is called Bad Radio and every Tuesday they have a segment called Gay/Not Gay. Straight guys email and phone into the show and describe situations and ask if it makes them gay. At first I thought the homophobia was offensive. The straight guys don't want to be called gay. I'm gay. However, after awhile I started to find the Gay/Not Gay amusing. It's funny to listen to guys describe what their friend did and asks if it makes them gay.
I'm thinking about hosting a Straight/Not Straight segment. That way my husband could email and phone into the show and ask if trying to watch all six seasons of Entourage in two weeks makes him straight?!
Thanks for the kind words, man! Stay hard.